Resin and Sea Shells: A Beachy Combination

Resin and sea shells are a perfect combination for creating beautiful and unique beach-inspired crafts. The versatility of resin allows you to create a variety of projects that showcase the natural beauty of sea shells. In this blog post, we will explore some easy and creative ways to use resin and sea shells to make stunning beach-inspired crafts.

Materials Needed

Before you begin, gather the following materials:
  • Resin (such as Envirotex Lite)
  • Opaque pigments, transparent dyes, or acrylic paints (optional)
  • Sea shells
  • Mixing cups and stir sticks
  • Disposable gloves
  • Sandpaper
  • Heat gun or torch (for removing air bubbles)
  • Protective box or tray

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Prepare the Sea Shells: Clean and dry the sea shells before using them in your resin project. You can also sand the edges of the shells to create a smooth surface.
  2. Mix the Resin: Follow the instructions provided with your chosen resin product to mix the resin and hardener in the correct proportions. Use disposable measuring cups and stir sticks to ensure accurate measurements and thorough mixing.
  3. Add Color (Optional): If desired, add opaque pigments, transparent dyes, or acrylic paints to the resin to create your desired color palette. Mix thoroughly to achieve a uniform color.
  4. Arrange the Sea Shells: Arrange the sea shells on a flat surface, such as a canvas or wooden board. You can create a pattern or design that suits your style and preference.
  5. Pour the Resin: Slowly pour the resin mixture onto the sea shells, starting from the center and working your way outwards. Use a disposable craft brush to spread the resin evenly across the surface, ensuring full coverage.
  6. Remove Air Bubbles: After pouring the resin, you may notice air bubbles forming on the surface. To remove them, use a heat gun or torch. Pass the flame quickly over the resin, moving in a circular motion. This will cause the bubbles to rise and pop.
  7. Curing and Finishing: Allow the resin to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions. This typically takes 24 to 48 hours. During this time, make sure the artwork is placed in a dust-free and well-ventilated area. Once cured, you can add any final touches, such as sanding the edges for a smooth finish or applying a protective sealant.

Easy Resin and Sea Shell Projects

Here are some easy and creative ways to use resin and sea shells to make stunning beach-inspired crafts:
  1. Resin Sea Shell Jewelry: Embed sea shells in resin to create unique and personalized jewelry pieces, such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. You can add color to the resin to create a vibrant and eye-catching effect.
  2. Resin Sea Shell Coasters: Use sea shells as molds for creating beautiful and functional coasters. Arrange the shells in a pattern or design that suits your style and pour the resin mixture over them. Once cured, sand the edges for a smooth finish.
  3. Resin Sea Shell Wall Art: Create a stunning and personalized piece of wall art by embedding sea shells in resin. Arrange the shells on a canvas or wooden board and pour the resin mixture over them. You can add color to the resin to create a vibrant and eye-catching effect.
  4. Resin Sea Shell Candle Holders: Use sea shells as molds for creating unique and beautiful candle holders. Arrange the shells in a pattern or design that suits your style and pour the resin mixture over them. Once cured, remove the shells and place a candle inside.


Resin and sea shells are a perfect combination for creating beautiful and unique beach-inspired crafts. Whether you choose to make jewelry, coasters, wall art, or candle holders, the versatility of resin allows you to showcase the natural beauty of sea shells in a variety of ways. So, gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and start making your own stunning resin and sea shell crafts today!