Preserving Roses Forever in a Necklace with the Art of Resin (Epoxy)

Do you love roses but hate seeing them wither away? What if we told you there's a way to preserve roses in all their beauty for a lifetime? Yes, you read that right! With the art of resin, specifically epoxy resin, you can now turn your favorite roses into stunning and everlasting pieces of jewelry, like necklaces. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating process of preserving roses with epoxy resin and creating one-of-a-kind accessories that will amaze everyone who lays their eyes on them.

Understanding Epoxy Resin

Before we dive into the preservation techniques, let's talk about epoxy resin. Epoxy resin is a versatile and durable material widely used in art. It's a liquid polymer that, when mixed with a hardener, solidifies into a clear, glass-like finish. The beauty of epoxy resin lies in its ability to encase objects, preserving them in their original form.

Choosing the Perfect Roses

The first step in preserving roses with epoxy resin is selecting fresh flowers. Choose roses that are at their peak, ensuring their petals are vibrant and free from any damage or browning. It is crucial to pick high-quality roses as they will retain their beauty throughout the preservation process.

Drying the Roses

To preserve the roses, we need to remove all moisture from them. Start by hanging the roses upside down in a dry and dark space. This technique helps retain the shape of the flowers while allowing them to dry naturally. It may take a couple of weeks for the roses to completely dry, so patience is key.

Prepping the Resin

While the roses are drying, it's time to prepare the epoxy resin. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer precisely to ensure a proper mixture. Typically, epoxy resin consists of two equal parts: resin and hardener. Make sure to measure accurately and mix thoroughly until you achieve a clear and bubble-free mixture.

Encasing the Roses

Once the roses are fully dried and the resin is prepared, it's time to encase the flowers in the resin. Place the dried roses in a silicone mold, ensuring they are positioned the way you want them to appear in the necklace. Carefully pour the resin mixture over the roses, making sure they are fully covered. You can use a toothpick or a small skewer to remove any air bubbles trapped in the resin.

Curing and Finishing

After pouring the resin, cover the mold to protect it from dust and debris. Let the resin cure according to the manufacturer's instructions. This process typically takes 24-48 hours. Once the resin has completely hardened, remove the necklace pendant from the mold. Trim any excess resin and sand the edges for a smooth finish. You can also add a bail or drill a hole for attaching the pendant to a necklace chain.

Showcasing Your Eternal Rose Necklace

Congratulations! You've successfully preserved a beautiful rose in a necklace pendant using epoxy resin. Now, it's time to show off your creation. Wear it as an elegant and unique accessory, or gift it to a loved one as a symbol of eternal love and beauty. Remember to store your necklace in a dry and dust-free place to prevent any damage to the resin or the rose.


Preserving roses forever in a necklace with epoxy resin is a wonderful way to capture nature's beauty and create timeless jewelry. Whether you choose to wear it yourself or gift it to someone special, this DIY project is sure to leave a lasting impression. So, gather your materials, follow the steps, and get ready to create a necklace that celebrates the everlasting allure of roses.