
  • Start with an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention and highlights the appeal of resin alphabet keychains.
  • Mention that resin keychains are a popular DIY project and can be customized to create unique and personalized accessories.

Materials and Supplies

  • Provide a list of the materials and supplies needed to make resin alphabet keychains.
  • Include items such as epoxy resin, mixing cups, gloves, stir sticks, alphabet silicone mold, resin dyes or powders, glitter, and keychain findings.
  • Mention the importance of working in a well-ventilated area and wearing protective equipment.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Prepare the resin: Follow the instructions on the epoxy resin packaging to mix the resin and hardener in equal parts.
  2. Add color and glitter: Incorporate resin dyes or powders, as well as glitter, to create vibrant and sparkly keychains.
  3. Pour the resin: Carefully pour the resin mixture into the alphabet silicone mold, filling each letter cavity.
  4. Remove air bubbles: Use a heat gun or torch to remove any air bubbles that may have formed in the resin.
  5. Let it cure: Allow the resin to cure for the recommended time, usually 24 hours, before removing the keychains from the mold.
  6. Drill holes: Use a small drill bit to create holes in the cured resin letters for attaching keychain findings.
  7. Attach keychain findings: Add jump rings, chains, and keychains to the drilled holes to complete the keychains.

Tips and Tricks

  • Offer some tips and tricks to enhance the process and results of making resin alphabet keychains.
  • Suggest experimenting with different colors, glitters, and embellishments to create unique designs.
  • Mention the importance of following safety precautions, such as wearing gloves and working in a well-ventilated area.


  • Summarize the process of making resin alphabet keychains and highlight the creative possibilities they offer.
  • Encourage readers to try making their own resin keychains and express their creativity.
  • Mention that resin keychains can make great gifts or personalized accessories.